The Remora Blog

Why You Need A Gun Belt

0 Comments Written by Frank Semeraro   If you carry a firearm, it is important that you wear a good quality gun belt.    A belt from Walmart isn’t going to cut it.  I good gun belt will keep your firearm tight and close to your body.    Many times people blame their...

Get a Grip

GET A GRIP By Frank Semeraro – AKA “Big Gun”         As much as we may love our guns, they are not always comfortable mainly due to the factory grips.    Most factory grips are not the best quality since this is one area they can skimp to keep the cost...


Frank Semeraro, AKA BIG GUN When I hear on the news that a teenager finds his parents gun and brings it to school and shoots students and teachers it makes me cringe. Children finding a parents’ gun and shooting themselves, their friends or family members because they...

Know Your Gun Laws

By Frank Semeraro, AKA BIG GUNCertified NRA Pistol Instructor As gun owners, it is our responsibility to know our state and local gun laws.   Many people go out and purchase a firearm and never check the firearms laws of their state.    Not knowing your state gun laws...